Policies & Written Documents

$75-150/hour sliding scale

I will review your organization’s written policies, procedures, public communications and other documents deemed relevant for your organization’s goals. In each of these documents, I will flag instances of language that uphold systems of oppression.

This gives your organization a fresh perspective on how the language chosen unconsciously reflects and upholds systems of oppression. This is a great place to start for organizations who are new to Relational Repair.

I will identify the “low-hanging” fruits in your organization’s orchard. These are changes you can make within the next year through editing written materials.

A sample of what your organization would receive:

While written documents are a good window into an organization they are not the whole picture. Whether or not policies are carried out fairly or used at all, whether an organization backs up its public communications with commensurate actions, and how it actually feels to work in an organization all depend on culture.

To get a more complete picture, your organization might choose for me to conduct Staff Stakeholder Interviews.